Monday, May 20, 2013

The countdown begins... 20 more days of school

It's been so long since I have posted.  We sure have been busy here in Kindergarten.  There is so much to talk about so, as usual, I will provide a picture montage of the past couple of weeks.  Some of the highlights are:

* King Ed is here
* Our Spring Walk
* Caterpillars, Caterpillars
* Geo boards and Patterns
* Fraction Pizzas
* Let's Visualize with the Magic Fish

I cannot believe we only have 20 days left of Kindergarten.  The amount of progress each one of the children has made is unbelievable.  It brings tears to my eyes every time I hear them read a little better, or when that light bulb goes off and they get that "aha moment"  We will be having a celebration of learning to wrap up our school year.  Parents (parents only) will be invited in to see a years worth of writing workshop stories, weekend updates, poetry folders, and much more.  The date has not been chosen yet, but I will get that to you ASAP.  I hope you can join us to celebrate all the accomplishments your children have made this year.  For now,  here is a peek at your childrens learning!

Exploring with Geo Boards and Patterning

King Ed (silent e) has arrived
"What's your name"

 Our Spring Walk-  What are the signs of Spring?

Our first look at fractions
We made pizza. 
One half pepperoni and one half anchovies.. YUMMM
How do you like your pizza?

The Magic Fish
A visualization lesson with Mrs. Conley

 Let's act out a play to the Magic Fish
Cooperative work on the settings!

Costume Design:

 More work on the settings:

 More costumes...

Caterpillars, Caterpillars!

Forming their J's

Our last little guy to get into his J and form his chrysalis!


 Our fun Friday life cycle mobile

Our observation journals:

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through a google search about the Daily 5. It showed an image of a Smart Board file titled,Daily 5 check in. I couldn't find the link to it from your blog. Is this available to share?
