Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daily 5 Math- Paper and Pencil Activities****FREEBIES**** (as always)

Hello All,

So I have an amazing student teacher this trimester and last week and this week are her take over weeks.  She basically has been taking over since week 3 or so, but for these two weeks I am not supposed to be in the room!  So what is a teacher to do???  Well I have stationed myself in Mrs. O'Neill's room.  She is the inclusion specialist in our school.  I sat down and just started creating.  I knew I wanted to create some more paper and pencil math that will grab the kids attention.  I brainstormed with the kids and I jotted down some of their favorite characters and other motivating things and I started creating.  So, to make a long story short, here are my latest math freebies! Feel free to use them in your classroom and share them with whomever would benefit!
Happy teaching!


  1. Rats - those look awesome, and I can't get them to download!!!!

    Thanks for the freebies!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. I just changed the link. Check it now and see if it works!!
    Thanks for stopping by. Let me know if it works or not!

  3. What a fun idea. Simple... I like it!

    First Grade Delight

  4. I love the Pats one especially!!!!!
    Kristen :)

  5. you are so creative!

  6. These are amazing. Thank you so much.

  7. Thanks!!! from Barcelona SPAIN


  8. What is the font you used for the words Daily 5 Math- Paper and Pencil Activities****FREEBIES**** (as always)? I really like the font. Kid friendly and easy to read!

  9. Thank you for sharing! I love these activities. I am going to try daily 5 math this year in my special education classroom.

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