
Sunday, February 3, 2013

100th day of School

As I was searching through Pinterest, as I often do on Sundays, not to mention every other day, I came across the most awesome idea for the 100th day of school.  I would love each of the kiddos to come to school dressed as if they were 100 years old.  In the past, I have always asked the children to draw a picture of what they would look like if they were 100 years old, but how fun will it be to see them dressed up like they were 100 years old.  I cannot wait to see how they will look.

So.... Zakar parents and children, I pose to you a challenge.  The 100th day of school will be on Friday, February 8, 2013.  I would like you to brainstorm with your child what they might look like if they were 100 years old.  You can talk about how they would look different from what they look like now, what types of clothes they might wear.  Ask them if their hair would look different or if they might wear glasses or use a cane.  I totally stole this idea from Pinterest, but what is Pinterest for?  Sharing ideas I guess.  If you are having trouble coming up with some ideas of what to wear, feel free to check out this blog I got the idea from.  This teacher has posted the pictures of her kiddos from last year when they dressed up as a 100 year old.  Here is the link to Teacher Bits & Bobs blog.  Just click on the picture to get to the link.  Her kiddos look great and might help you with some inspiration!

Here is the letter that I will be sending home tomorrow with the kiddos.  I got this from letter as a freebie from Deanna Jump's blog,  Thank you Mrs. Jump!  

I absolutely cannot wait to see what my kiddos come up with.  I promise to post a lot of pictures if they have enough time to get something together.  Parents, I understand that it is somewhat short notice, but I thought 4 days would be sufficient for putting together something for the kiddos to wear.  Of course, this is NOT a must do.  I completely understand if your child does not come dressed on Friday.  This is just a fun idea I though the kids would enjoy.

Besides dressing up, we will be participating in many 100th day activities.  We celebrate the 100th day of school by exploring the various mathematical concepts that can be taught using the number 100. From the very first day of school, we began keeping track of the number of days they've been in school in anticipation of the 100th day. It's this anticipation that is actually the first math lesson, as the days are marked by straws,  ten of which become a "ten bundle," paving the way to counting by tens and ones.  Check back next week to see pictures of the kids participating in all of our 100th day activities. 

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